This is my blog on the story "Mistress and Pet", a bdsm fanfiction about Bella and Edward of Twilight.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chapter 14 teaser

My mistress pulled on my leash and forced me to stand next to her. She leaned in and purred in my ear, "Would you like to try your luck in the ring, Eddie?" I flinched at the hideous nickname she sometimes used to taunt me, but I was also secretly thrilled at her offer. Could I really fight another man like this, and what if I lost?

Mistress Tanya interpreted my silence as an acceptance of her offer, and after a brief moment I found myself in the middle of the ring facing a large, well muscled man about my height.


Next chapter will be up in a few days, but I'll hurry even more if you leave some reviewing love for me

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, and soon they will meet. And it is,just a little bit cool, that you are kicked out of FF :-) Look forward to reading more
